Sunday, July 6, 2008

Jesse Helms is dead.

Someone in my life suggested that he couldn't bear the thought of a Black man as a viable candidate for the US Presidency.


Sandy said...

I find my reaction to Jesse Helms' death to be similar to my reaction to Richard Nixon's death: a sense of relief if anything. I know that's not a Christian attitude, but the man brought a lot of hate into the world while he was alive.

sheree said...

Hmm, I didn't react to Nixon's death so strongly. At least, not so personally. Being a black lesbian from NC, much of Helms' hate hit me hard. Politics are personal, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's his tactics I objected to.

Michelle F said...

Sheree - what's your viewpoint on the lab director for a state facility who was forced into retirement because he refused to have his facility fly the flag at half-staff in honor of Helms? He gave the staff the choice of leaving it at full staff or not flying it at all. The radio interview I heard with him implied that the lab director is white.

Grayson said...

oh, how did I miss this? I guess because I never read / listen to the news.

I can say two positive things about Jesse: first, you always knew where he stood; he wasn't a smooth, oily, let-me-say-what-you-want-to-hear-then-do-what-I-want-to-do kind of politician. Second, he got apolitical me out to the polls every time he was up for reelection: I was uber-motivated to vote--for his opponent (any opponent) every time.