Tuesday, June 24, 2008

During our lunchtime phone conversation today, the gf told me that George Carlin died. Then she repeated one of his jokes.

"Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?"

She laughed. Hard. Guffawed, even. In the words of BiblioDiva, she BUSTED OUT laughing (and BiblioDiva knows a thing or two about that). And while the gf is laughing, I am silent. Stone silent.

It took me a full minute to get it.

Stop laughing at me!


BiblioDiva said...

How funny that you added stopped laughing at me. 'cause I was laughing until I got to that.

Then I busted out laughing.

sheree said...

You are sooooo wrong!

Lisa said...

I nearly spit out my sip of wine laughing - which is not as catchy as busting out.

The news made me sad, though.

Michelle F said...

That is just sad that it took you so long - made me laught at you! I've been on vaca with no news so reading your post gave me the news about George Carlin.