Friday, June 13, 2008

My new favorite way to procrastinate is Ravelry. The knitting thing is making me think about returning to crochet, and the possibilities on ravelry are (seemingly) endless.

I mean, really, how cute is this baby afghan?

Of course, I'm knee-deep (ok, ankle-deep) into a blanket for Idara, who's due next month. Here's the pattern, although I'm making it in yellow.
Simple, but a good way to get back into knitting.

But back to Ravelry:
One of the coolest things is that there are affinity groups, which is fun. I've reconnected with many women I went to college with.
AND there's a Hello Kitty group. Woo-hoo! Just think, I could make this:


Unknown said...

You could make her with a blue dress to match your bathmat...

Chap said...

Barry's better half Carrie is a knitting fiend. Her blog is here and occasionally has very interesting crafty links.

Unfortunately she's had to declare Spare Knitting Material Bankruptcy, which is a shame because I kept buying things like kevlar 'yarn' and bizarre metal yarn from Japan and suchlike. You know, for bulletproof socks. Might be handy.