Monday, April 30, 2007

Good News

This evening I received a voicemail message thanking the nurse practitioner and I for our help. Nick is resting comfortably at a local hospital while his doctors run tests to determine what happened. Both he and his wife left the message.

He mentioned that when he "came to" he saw my face smiling down at him.

Geesh, can you imagine?
You come back and see my giant bowling ball head looking down at you?

I'm glad he's ok.


Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear he's okay. Good thing you were there to help...

BiblioDiva said...

If I were to pass out, I wouldn't mind seeing your big bowling head. Unless of course you were directly responsible for me passing out. Then I would be frightened.

I'm glad he's ok, and I hope they don't find anything too seriously wrong.